First check your OS architecture using:
wmic os get osarchitecture
Note:From MongoDB 3.4,
MongoDB no longer supports 32-bit x86 platforms.
For MongoDB 3.6 community Edition, requires Windows Server
2008 R2, Windows 7, or later.
If you install through .msi installer, it
includes all other software dependencies and will automatically upgrade any
older version of MongoDB installed in that machine.
Read License agreement and accept the license to
proceed. Then press next.
Here, we will get 2 options to choose mongo
Complete: It will install complete package in
default paths.
We can select required features and path to install.
If you select ‘custom’, window will be like below:
Note: Here you can select which features need to install and
can specify location manually where we need to install.
If you select ‘complete’ set up, installation will happen in default path with all
available features.
If you want compass, select ‘Install MongoDB
Compass’. Press next.
Now it is ready to install mongoDB. Press on
Press on Finish to complete installation.
Start and connect to mongoDB Server:
Note: Default Installation path : c:\Program Files\MongoDB\Server\3.6\bin
Default data Dir path : c:\data\db.
To start mongod process, we need to create data
directory to store all data.
md c:\data\db
Note: You can create data directory in different path also. You
have to specify that path in dbpath while starting mongod process.
Start mongod process by specifying above dbpath.
Files\MongoDB\Server\3.6\bin>mongod.exe --dbpath c:\data\db
Note: If you got log message like ‘waiting for connections
on port 27017’ on command prompt after mongod process start, then process is
started and ready to connect to mongo server.
Now open another command prompt and connect to
mongo server using:
Now you are inside DB, by default it will
connect to ‘test’ DB.
Now you can run all DB related commands.
-- Thiru //