Here, I am trying to explain CRUD operations with examples for better understanding.
So I am posting this in 2 parts.
Part: 1:
MongoDB has 4 basic operations Create/insert, Read, Update and Delete to add, read, modify and delete data in the shell.
This operation is used to add (create or insert) documents to a collection.
We have different methods to insert documents into a collection. If collection doesn’t exist, insert will create collection with given name.
1. Inserts single or multiple documents into a collection.
> db.sample.insert({ no:1, name: "aaa"})
> db.sample.insert([
{ no:3, name: "ddd", add: "abc" },
{ no:4, name: "eee", pin: 12345 },
{ no:5, name: "fff" }
2. Inserts single document into a collection.
Note: This method returns a document with: acknowledged with Boolean value(True/false) and insertedId with objectId(_id).
> db.sample.insertOne({ no:12, name: "abc", item: "aaa" }
3. This method inserts multiple documents into a collection.
Note: This method returns a documents with: acknowledged with Boolean value(True/false) and an array of objectId (_id) for successful inserted documents
> db.sample.insertMany([
{ no:3, name: "ddd", add: "abc" },
{ no:4, name: "eee", pin: 12345 },
{ no:5, name: "fff" }
Note: Both methods InsertOne() and InsertMany() are not compatible with db.collection.explain()
We can also insert documents by using variable.
> var a = { no:10, name: "abc", add: "aaa"}
> db.sample.insert(a)
This operation is used to read/retrieve/find existing documents from collection.
We have 2 methods to find documents from collection.
1. It returns all documents or documents which satisfies the given condition.
db.<<collection_name>>.find({<<query>>},{<< projection>>})
Query: It specifies filter condition (Like where in RDBMS) using query operators to return documents based on condition. (Query filter or criteria).
Projection: It specifies which fields are required to return in result. (1 or true to include field, 0 or false to exclude field).
Note: Both (query and projection) are optional. If not specified, find method returns all documents.
> db.sample.find({})
{ "_id" : 1, "no" : 12, "name" : "abc", "item" : "aaa" }
{ "_id" : ObjectId("5a3557c23f46e9bcf9838472"), "no" : 12, "name" : "abc", "item" : "aaa" }
{ "_id" : ObjectId("5a3557c33f46e9bcf9838473"), "no" : 12, "name" : "abc", "item" : "aaa" }
{ "_id" : ObjectId("5a355a053f46e9bcf9838477"), "no" : 3, "name" : "ddd", "add" : "abc" }
{ "_id" : ObjectId("5a355a053f46e9bcf9838478"), "no" : 4, "name" : "eee", "pin" : 12345 }
{ "_id" : ObjectId("5a355a053f46e9bcf9838479"), "no" : 5, "name" : "fff" }
> db.sample.find({no:12})
{ "_id" : 1, "no" : 12, "name" : "abc", "item" : "aaa" }
{ "_id" : ObjectId("5a3557c23f46e9bcf9838472"), "no" : 12, "name" : "abc", "item" : "aaa" }
{ "_id" : ObjectId("5a3557c33f46e9bcf9838473"), "no" : 12, "name" : "abc", "item" : "aaa" }
> db.sample.find({no:{$lt:5}})
{ "_id" : ObjectId("5a355a053f46e9bcf9838477"), "no" : 3, "name" : "ddd", "add" : "abc" }
{ "_id" : ObjectId("5a355a053f46e9bcf9838478"), "no" : 4, "name" : "eee", "pin" : 12345 }
> db.sample.find({no:12},{no:1, name:1})
{ "_id" : 1, "no" : 12, "name" : "abc" }
{ "_id" : ObjectId("5a3557c23f46e9bcf9838472"), "no" : 12, "name" : "abc" }
{ "_id" : ObjectId("5a3557c33f46e9bcf9838473"), "no" : 12, "name" : "abc" }
2. It returns one document from a collection. And returns first document (as per default order), if the given condition returns multiple documents.
db.<<collection_name>>.findOne({<<query>>}, {<<projection>>})
> db.sample.findOne()
{ "_id" : 1, "no" : 12, "name" : "abc", "item" : "aaa" }
> db.sample.findOne({no:12})
{ "_id" : 1, "no" : 12, "name" : "abc", "item" : "aaa" }
> db.sample.findOne({no:12},{no:1, name: 1})
{ "_id" : 1, "no" : 12, "name" : "abc" }
I will post remaining 2 operations in second part.
-- Thiru //
-- Thiru //
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